2 min readMar 26, 2022

[Linux][System] Learning Linux File Structure

Check out the reference yt video for more infos


  • System Binaries (programs, applications)
  • Must be accessable in single user mode (check out linux runlevels or wiki)
  • UNIX system resource
  • installing a user program is not placed in this folder


  • System Binaries for system administrator (programs, applications)
  • Must be accessable in single user mode (check out linux runlevels or wiki)
  • UNIX system resource
  • installing a user program is not placed in this folder


  • Contains Boot loaders
  • Everything OS needs when boot


  • Devices
  • Architecture following UNIX (Everything is a file)
  • Where application and drivers will access for devices(webcam, keyboard etc)
# Example
# Hardware disk
# Disk partition


  • Etcetera
  • System-wide Configurations
  • System-wide application settings

/lib, /lin32, /lib64

  • library
  • files that applications can use
  • used by bin | sbin


  • mount drives
  • USB disck, external hard drive, second hard drive (B Drive, D Drive)
  • manage by OS


  • mount drives
  • manage manually


  • Optional folder
  • Software from vendors, example: Virtual box guest addition
  • Also a place to install sofware you create yourself


  • Processes
  • Pseudo file of Informations and resources for every process
  • Like /dev, but not acually file but some information generate by kernal
  • Handy information for System status, provide by kernal


  • Home folder for root users
  • need root permission to access


  • tempfs file system
  • file system which runs in RAM, will disappear when reboot or shutdown


  • Snap package were stored here (check out snap packages)
  • mainlly used by Ubuntu


  • service data
  • FTP server or web server will store files here for external user to access
  • Can mount this folder from another hard drive


  • System folder
  • Interact with kernel
  • Similar to /run (not physically written to disk), created every time the system boots up.


  • temporary directory
  • application could store some auto save file here to prevend application crashes


  • Universal System Resource
  • Non-essential applications for basic system operation


  • Variable directory
  • Contains files and directories that are expected to grow in size


  • Home folder for eash user
  • Can mount this folder from different drive, so user can reinstall system and preserve your file
  • Hidden directory here to store your application setting


  • legacy mounting point for CD-Rom

Other Information

Q1: How to access to / folder

  • Open terminal and use command cd /
  • Open Files GUI, select +Other Location and select your system drive
