[LeetCode][python3]Day25. Jump Game (30-Day LeetCoding Challenge)
30 days! Lets go Lets go!
N2I -2020.04.25
- My solution
class Solution:
def canJump(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
while index<l and index<=maxpath:
if index!=l:
return False
return True
The Solution records the furthest index maxpath
it could reach, then check every item between it to modify the maxpath
2. A Faster Solution
class Solution:
def canJump(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
N = len(nums)
target = N-1
for i in range(N-1, -1, -1):
if i + nums[i] >= target:
target = i
return target == 0
This is faster because we check two conditions for the while
loop in the first solution, but this use a for
loop instead.
3. A Cool Solution
class Solution:
def canJump(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
# problem becomes, will we eventually get stuck on nums[i] == 0
# if nums[i] = 0, need to check nums[i-k] > k
# if satisfied, move on to find next zero
# if not satisfied until nums[0], return false
# if array length 1, already at last index
if len(nums) == 1: return True
# if array length not 1, and nums[0] is zero, we're already stuck
if nums[0] == 0: return False
# if last element is zero, we don't need to check it, we're guaranteed
# to reach it if nums[-2] is not zero, if nums[-2] is zero, we'll be
# checking later in this code whether we're stuck at it or not,
# if we'll be stuck at it, program will return False anyways.
if not nums[-1]:
# if there's no 0 in nums, automatically True
if 0 not in nums: return True
# start from tail
i = len(nums)-1
while i > 0:
# look for zero, we only check if elements to the left of zero
# will get stuck at it
if nums[i]:
i -= 1
zero = i # i index is zero
# while elements to the left of zero can only reach this zero or shorter
# we keep going left to look for a number that can jump past this zero
# if we find it, we go to top of while loop to look for another zero
while i >= 0 and nums[i] <= zero - i:
i -= 1
# if we are not able to find this number that can jump past zero at nums[0]
# i will change into -1, this is the only condition we fail the jump game.
if i == -1: return False
# if no failure is found, it means all zero can be jumped past, so we can win.
return True
The main idea is to check every 0
in the array. If any one of them can’t be overcome, then return false. You can see the details in the script.